In checking out a handful of musician's/band websites, I notice that very few of them provide links to other artists, or if they do it's sort of weak and not very fleshed out. I probably notice this because I'm a blogger and internet pornographer, and linking to other people is such a huge part of getting exposure for your sites when you're an unknown entity. But the other part of it is that when you run your own business or blog online part of WHY you do it is to explore OTHER people's websites. It's part of your job, more or less, to recommend links to your surfers that you think they would like.
I'm sure *most* big name musicians spend their time . . . you know . . . making music and that their websites are just tools for their fans and not something the artists maintain themselves.
It's not a criticism, just an observation. And something that makes me want to create a more comprehensive linklist to indie artists and lesser-knowns, because they have to struggle a bit more for exposure and therefore seem a bit more involved in their websites. Not that this is a requirement for a good musician OR a good music site, I just like exploring how people in industries other than my own (porn) build their internet presence.
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